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Taylor Heyl Curriculum Vitae


2005, M.S., Biology, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Major Advisor: Dr. Cindy Lee Van Dover
Master’s Thesis: Characteristics of Vesicomyid Clams and their Environment at the Blake Ridge Methane Hydrate Seep

2001, B. S., Marine, Estuarine & Freshwater Biology, (English minor), University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
Major Advisor: Dr. Stacia A. Sower
Senior Honors Thesis: Reproductive Development of Atlantic Hagfish, Myxineglutinosa in the Gulf of Maine.

Research Interests

The ecology and evolutionary biology of deep-sea chemosynthetic organisms, particularly in relation to their environmental and geochemical environment. Community structure, reproductive biology and larval dispersal in invertebrates with a focus on deep-sea hadal and submarine canyon ecosystems. 


2015  Andrea M. Quattrini, Jason D. Chaytor, Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, Scott C. France, Taylor Heyl, Jon A. Moore, Martha S. Nizinski,E. Brendan Roark, Carolyn Ruppel, Kelley Elliott, Brian Kennedy, Brian Kinlan, Elizabeth Loebecker, and Timothy M. Shank. Exploration of Submarine Canyons off the Northeast United States Reveals Dynamic Habitats and Diverse Ecosystems. PLOS ONE.

2011  Timothy M. Shank, Edward T. Baker, Robert W. Embley, Stephen Hammond,  James F. Holden, Scott White, Sharon L. Walker, Miguel Calderón, Santiago Herrera, T. Jennifer Lin, Catriona Munro, Taylor Heyl, Lucy C. Stewart, Mashkoor Malik, Meme Lobecker, and Jeremy Potter GALREX 2011Exploration of the Deep-Water Galápagos Region. Oceanography.

2007  Heyl, T.P., S. A. Macko, W. Gilhooly, R. Chambers, and C.L. Van Dover (2007), Characteristics of vesicomyid clams and their environment at the Blake Ridge cold seep.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 339: 169-184.

2005  Mills, A., M. Ward, T.P. Heyl and C.L. Van Dover (2005), Parasitism in vesicomyid clams from the Blake Ridge methane hydrate seep.  The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85 (6):1489-1497.

2001  Powell, MLT. Heyl, A. Baukus and SA Sower (2001), Gonad development in the North Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. American Zoologist, 41 (6):1560-1560.

Non-Refereed Publications

2016   10,000 m under the sea: An overview of the HADES expedition to Kermadec Trench. USGS, Kermadec Discoveries and Connections. p.36-38. S Mills, D. Leduc, J.C. Drazen, P. Yancey, A.J. Jamieson, M.R. Clark, A.A. Rowden, D.J. Mayor, S. Piertney, T. Heyl, D. Bartlett, J.R. Bourque, W. Cho, A. Demopoulos, P. Fryer, M. Gerringer, E. Grammatopoulou, S. Herrera, M. Ichino, B. Lecroq, T.D. Linley, K. Meyer, C. Nunnally, H. Ruhl, G. Wallace, C. Young, and T.M. Shank.

“Exploration of Cold Seeps on the North Atlantic Continental Margin”  Taylor Heyl.  Background essay for NOAA Okeanos Explorer Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition.

NOAA Okeanos Explorer Discovery of the Tempus Fugit Vent Field.   Taylor Heyl, Santiago Herrera, Catriona Munro and Timothy Shank (July 2011)

NOAA Okeanos Explorer Exploring the Paramount Seamounts. Catriona Munro, 
Santiago Herrera, Taylor Heyl, WHOI Exploration Command Center (July 2011)

NOAA Ocean ExplorerGalAPAGos: Where Ridge Meets Hot Spot Log.  A Newly Discovered Biological Community on the Galápagos Spreading Center. Taylor Heyl