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The Rise of Orpheus


WHOI’s new hadal robot moves one step closer to exploring the limits of life on Earth and beyond. from Oceanus magazine Read more

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Exploration of Cold Seeps on the North Atlantic Continental Margin

The continental shelf and slope off the northeastern U.S., the underwater edge of the continent that borders the Atlantic Ocean basin, hosts an incredible diversity of habitats including approximately 70 submarine canyons ranging from depths of approximately 100 meters to 3,500 meters, etched by rivers thousands of years ago when this region was above sea…

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See the strange creatures NOAA found at the bottom of the sea

Last month, while traveling around Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the NOAA ship spotted 100 different species of fish, along with 50 different species of coral and hundreds of other invertebrates. One fish species is so new it’s never been named; another jellyfish-like creature called a ctenophore or comb jelly, has only been…

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Into the abyss: Scientists explore one of Earth’s deepest ocean trenches

What lives in the deepest part of the ocean–the abyss? A team of researchers funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) will use the world’s only full-ocean-depth, hybrid, remotely-operated vehicle, Nereus, and other advanced technology to find out. They will explore the Kermadec Trench at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Read More

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Exploring One of the Deepest Ocean Trenches

An international team of researchers led by deep-sea biologist Tim Shank of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) will use the world’s only full-ocean depth, hybrid remotely operated vehicle, Nereus and other advanced technology to explore life in the depths of the Kermadec Trench. Read More

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