Current Members

Timothy M. Shank
Associate Scientist with Tenure
Contact information
Mailing address
Redfield, Room 2-40
Mailstop #33
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Madeleine Rogers
Guest Student
Madeleine is a Masters student at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland studying Marine Biology. Over the past few years, she focused her research on cephalopod cognition and dolphin acoustics. She is currently conducting cold-water coral associate research in the Shank laboratory. She is passionate about animal behavior, symbiotic relationships, outreach, using science to envision realistic solutions to a changing world, and learning about the different ways animals experience life on Earth.
Contact Information

David Driscoll
Guest Student
David is a freshman at Vanderbilt University and has been with the Shank lab for several years. He develops code that uses artificial intelligence for image annotation and analysis. David has been working with FathomNet models to develop applications to rapidly render species identification and known ecological data from imagery. He also helps plan and organize the data science components of QGIS projects. While David's work has been focused on deep-water coral ecosystems, he is now applying these techniques to both subduction-relted ecosystems and autonomous vehicle (e.g., Orpheus shown here) seafloor imagery.

Ryan McMullen
Guest Student
Ryan McMullen is a senior at the University of Miami majoring in Marine Biology and Ecology with minors in Ecosystem Science & Policy and Biology. As a NOAA Hollings Scholar Ryan's work utilizes data and expertise from both WHOI and NOAA's Marine Fisheries Service. In the Shank Lab, Ryan has assisted in the construction of a genetic database of deep-sea invertebrate species and has investigated how eDNA can be used to determine their distribution patterns, associations with coral species, and overall seamount diversity. Outside of this project, he has a broad range of demonstrated interests including larval fish ecology, shark ecology, marine plastics research, and applied ecotourism/citizen science. He is originally from Chagrin Falls, Ohio and enjoys sports, cooking, and spending time outdoors.

Catherine McLeod
Guest Student
Cate is a senior at the University of San Diego, Scripps Institute of Oceanography and has been with the Shank lab for several years. While her undergraduate research has been focused on magmatic input at mid-ocean ridges, Cate has developed strong interests in deep-sea biology. She has been working on the development of QGIS mapping techniques of benthic ecosystem and habitat diversity in hydrothermal vent systems, recently conducting the first biological description of the recently-discovered Yoerger-Bradley-W Sentry Vent Field on the East Pacific Rise. She has also been focused on learning molecular genetic techniques, including DNA extraction and PCR barcoding data.

Robert Simpkins
Guest Student
Robert is a senior at Falmouth High School (FHS) and is interested in Marine Biology. Following his participation in the CRISPR genetics program at the Marine Biological Lab (MBL) in Woods Hole, Robert developed an interest in marine genetics. Robert received the Aecern STEM innovation award for creativity, perseverance, and depth of understanding at the FHS Science and Engineering Fair 2022. Robert has been working on the annotation of autonomous vehicle video to assess biodiversity of seep and non-seep habitats along the Aleutian Trench margin as well as data analysis of food web structure in deep-water corals and associates. Outside of the lab he enjoys running, playing jazz drum set, or marching for the Falmouth Marching Band.

Lily Smolen
Guest Student
Lily is a high school student at Cambridge Rindge and Latin in Cambridge, MA, and I have a keen interest in marine biology and oceanography. In the spring of 2024, I worked at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, Herpetology Department, where I worked with the marine snake and turtle collections, identifying specimens and updating their database profiles. Outside of school and the lab, I enjoy spending time outdoors, playing soccer and rugby, and painting. Lily has been working on data analysis of food web structure in deep-water corals and associates and also employing structure for motion image analyses from autonomous underwater vehicles.

Gabriella Pickard
Guest Student
Gabriella has been homeschooled since kindergarten, currently in 12th grade. Since childhood, she has shown profound interest in the ocean and the creatures that live in it, specifically cetaceans and their conservation. She is fascinated by deep sea biology and is excited to learn more about it and the work that goes into it!